Epigraphic Sessions – International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 7-10 July 2014
Session 213 (Mon. 07 July – 14.15-15.45) – Emmanuel Centre, Room 3
Medieval Epigraphy, I: Emperor’s and King’s Death – Epigraphic Approaches
Abstract: Popes and Emperors appear with frequency in medieval epigraphic practices. They can appear as the sponsors he subjects of the inscriptions in a lot of epitaphs. The first session dedicated to medieval epigraphy would like to focus on the paleographic and linguistic aspects of imperial and papal funerary inscriptions in order to determine whether they present some specific ‚imperial‘ forms. What kind of Empire can be seen through these epitaphs? By studying how popes and emperors used the epigraphic objects, the three papers presented in this session will deal with the commemorative and symbolic aspects of medieval inscriptions.
Sponsor: University Ca’Foscari, Venezia
Organiser: Flavia De Rubeis (Venezia)
Moderator/Chair: Estelle Ingrand-Varenne (Poitiers)
Franz-Albrecht Bornschlegel (München), Commemoration of Emperors in the Imperial City of Augsburg at the Border from Medieval to Modern Times
Ottavio Bucarelli (Roma), „Sepultus est in basilica beati Petri apostoli“. Inscriptions and Topography of the Burials of the Popes in St Peter’s Basilica, 5th-8th Centuries
Marida Pierno (Bari), „Culti ed Epigrafi“. La Produzione Epigrafica Durante il Pontificato di Pasquale I, 817-824, e Pasquale II, 1099-1118
Session 313 (Mon. 07 July – 16.30-18.00) – Emmanuel Centre, Room 3
Medieval Epigraphy, II: Epigraphic Practices in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Empires
Abstract: Medieval inscriptions are usually studied in the frameworks of national or local editing projects. It allows a quick publication of an important number of texts but one lacks a global view of some cultural phenomena which can have let their print in medieval epigraphic practices. The second session dedicated to medieval epigraphy would like to explore one of these complex notions: the graphic implications of Empire in the inscriptions. We all know that consequences had the Carolingian reform on paleographic choices in 9th and 10th centuries. What about inscriptions? Can we draw imperial spaces thank to the study of epigraphic texts? The papers of this session will try to answer that question by studying inscriptions from different regions (Spain, Italy, France).
Sponsor: University Ca’Foscari, Venezia
Organiser: Antonio Enrico Felle (Bari)
Moderator/Chair: Franz-Albrecht Bornschlegel (München)
Flavia De Rubeis (Venezia), Before the Carolingian Empire: The Early Medieval Italian Epigraphs, 600-800
Daniel Rico Camps (Barcelona), „Versus per singulos titulos ecclesiarum et altaria singula dictavimus“. Carolingian Epigraphic Ambition
Flavia Frauzel (Roma), The Carolingian Graphic Reform in Italy: Effects on Epigraphy